20 Các câu trả lời

one time u eat...dont make stomach empty when hungry eat something like bread wt planta...if like vomiting just vomit ...n after that eat again...drink lot of water..be strong u r mommy now..have a good day💜

me too now..7 weeks pregnant..no appetite to eat..now my stomach feel painful of gastric. try force to eat, try eat the fruit, hope will much better..

Try small portions of porridge. Or one piece of bread. Eat slowly. Think about your baby. They need nutritions from us. Help them.

Take obimin tablet , u can also take gastric medicine (get permission from doctor recommendation) and take plenty rest.

Hai.. try to take 1 table spoon oats with sugar with warm water before breakfast. I do that and my gastric better.

ya i did the same too..the only option i had when i cant eat anything else..syukur can eat oat instead nothing at all..

Kalau tak boleh makan.. Buat juice apple, pisang, carrot.. Slow2. Saya pun same ni.

VIP Member

same like me.. first trimester.. 3 months I get gastric.. I just take gaviscon only

U also can try eat fruit, maybe it can help you to get your energy back.

hi awk,samalah mcm kita tkde selera sgt🥺

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