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Hi Mommy, it is normal for baby 2 month old to be a little clingy. They are going through new phase in life and so are you. Dont stress so much. Im sure the nursery knows what to do. It will take some time and work to get her comfortable but at the end of the day, im sure she will do great! You can pump and store milk in a bottle/container and freeze it. All the best!

Thank you for your kind answer! The nursery said the baby need to know how to sleep themselves. I am worried my baby will be troublesome to them🥹

hi, don't worried, daycare will know how to train the young baby to sleep, u need to pump and store more breast milk to supply to daycare. everything will be okay, don't think too much

Thank you for your kind answer! But why the daycare said that the baby need to know how to sleep themselves? That what makes me overthink😞

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