7 Replies

I’d say closer or after 2yo? If your MIL is the one cooking for the family then I can understand where she’s coming from. It’s not easy to cook food for the entire family the way you’d cook for a baby. For my situation, I have to cook my child’s food separately from adults’ one because I don’t add any form of seasoning for LO food so yep lots of washing and time consuming too

I understand , my dad will also wanna feed whatever he's eating to my LO .😭 And will purposely say , mummy say cannot ... mummy say no .... but when she was a baby i feed her all these 😓


VIP Member

I think it’s still too early for babies to eat the same food as adults at 12 months old. Too much oil and salt already. Maybe 2 years old.

Super Mum

No, because our food has salt, sauces, sugar, etc. Unless your mil is willing to not season all the food you guys eat

Super Mum

Best not to..abit to early imo. But some mummies I know let their children eat the food they eat once they are 1..

about 18 months onwards..but not eveything...

VIP Member

Maybe after 11/2yrs

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