Kkh gynae appts

Hi, any mommies going for appointments at kkh? My weekly appointments start next week. Now im at 34weeks and my husband will be accompanying me. We had to bring our youngest 2yr old as no one is able to look after him. Do you think they will let us through? I have seen some couples with 4kids in the clinic before and i wonder how are all of them allowed to enter kkh. When at the entry they told us only 1accompanying adult allowed?

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i usually go in first with my son each time we have to bring him along (due to school closure or appt in the afternoon) and my husband will go in after us. yes. its only 1 accompanying adult. maybe they were given a pass by the doctor - we dont know. but usually ill just go on my own if the appt happens to be in the afternoon like 3.30 or so and we needed someone to fetch my son home from school. so my husband will just stay home or take half day and fetch the boy. its a hassle to keep needing to go in separate. so most of the time i go myself and take it as my "me time" alone. 🙂

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4y trước

ah..ic. hope they will let us in. it would be good to have someone to accompany especially in the last few weeks