preparing for newborn items for first baby

hi all mommies... can you all give me some opinion on what brand is good and worth to buy for newborn? 1)baby diaper brand 2)baby nappy liner brand 3)baby shampoo, body lotion, nappy cream 4)baby wet tissues brand as for mommies:- 1)maternity pad brand 2)nipple cream brand 3)breast pad brand thank you in advance for all mommies valuable opinion.

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for diapers, at first i used drypers, but always leaking. then changed to tesco brand. n it suits my baby's skin well. n actually it depends on your baby's skin.either sensitive or friend's baby can only use mamy poko i'm not using nappy liner.cause it won't help me much. baby shampoo i use carrie junior double milk. for mom, used intimate.

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