Bleeding almost 12 weeks pregnant

Hi mommies, anyone of you who experienced spotting then heavy bleeding (although minutes lang) then light bleeding naman (all of these happened from 6th week up to present) and had a successful pregnancy? Negative thoughts are getting the best of me. I am currently on bed rest and is scheduled for follow up check up this week. I am losing the positivity battle and in dire need of some positive inspiration to get me through this week.

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hi mommy, 15 weeks pregnant here and nag spotting ako/bleeding while pooping since 4 weeks pregnancy.. I have cervical polyps po as per my OB and that's the cause of my bleeding.. sa ngayon parang balewala na lang po sakin pag nakakakita ko ng blood as long as ok naman si baby and nafifeel ko sya..

1y trước

Thank you for this, I don’t feel alone na huhu praying for us mommy.

nakapagpaultrasound na po kau? sakin po kasi 6 weeks ako when I had my bleeding, then 3x a day na pampakapit at bed rest ung pinagawa ng OB..after that, spotting na lang po ako hanggang sa nawala sya after 3 weeks..through ultrasound po ako chinecheck ng OB para makita na safe si baby..

1y trước

hoping na tumigil na po bleeding niu mommy, so long as closely monitored naman po kau ng OB niu..doble ingat na lang po..sabi naman ng OB ko, may mga patient din sya na nagbleeding and healthy naman nadedeliver ang baby nila..

same tayo sis ganyan na ganyan din sakin pero dark brown minsan to bright red 4 times ng naER dahil sa bleeding until now may spotting parin pag umiihi or nagpoops. nagtetake ako ng madaming pampakapit and strict bed rest

1y trước

Praying for us mommy. Strict bed rest din ako plus loads of meds. This too shall pass. 🫂

Nagpacheck knb nung 6th week nangyari to? Dapat kc pumunta kna agad once na nagspotting ka regardless if it's light or heavy para ma-address as early as possible.

1y trước

Yes I have my weekly check up since week 5. Excluding home visits by OB and phone check ups. OB is my barkada kaya i am very well looked after.