Appetite Loss. HELP

Hello mommies, anyone knows a remedy to treat appetite loss caused by nausea and food aversions? I’m 7wks 5days today and I have not been eating well for the past few days. This symptom was the complete opposite as to when I had my first pregnancy (which unfortunately ended in miscarriage at 12 weeks). Please help! Really need a way to counter this as I get hungry all the time but just no desire to eat to give the best nutrients for my baby. Still eating my pre-natal vitamins and dates daily just to survive the bare minimum.

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Super Mom

I had the same issue when I was 6 weeks all the way till I entered my 2nd trimester before regaining back my appetite! Try to split your meals into 6 small meals, drink more water and always have some crackers by your bedside to avoid an empty stomach as an empty stomach will cause nausea. Everything will get better soon, jiayou mummy! 🥰🥰

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hi my gynae recommend me to take folic acid that have b6 and my nausea is getting better but still no appetite.. i can eat pizza with cheese and some wholegrain biscuits if im hungry. take some avocado also will help on ur hungry and nausea.