33 Các câu trả lời

Sies okey sangat mikubi ni , ada org cashier promote dekat saya pampers ni and siap cakap banyak review positif..sye pun try laa beli n pakaikan dekat baby..memang sgt bagus , serap pun banyak dan yang penting tak bocor.

Mikubi pampers is good. I'm using it for both my children below 3 years old. For now their absorbent is quite good too for my children. Since then till now I'm still using mikubi pampers for both my children.

Mikubi baby diapers ni memang murah & worth it sangat-sangat. Tak rugi kalau beli. Saya dulu pernah beli sekali tapi lepastu kedai tu dah tak restock lagi, now tengah cari jugak area sini Mikubi baby diapers ni

QQ shop Ada ..search aja Ada byk jugak cwga

I saw some reviews on fb/ig about this mikubi pampers. Most of the reviews are all good and they mention about the price. It's quite cheap and reasonable for all parents to have.

Eh mikubi pampers ni yang plastic warna kuning tu eh? Haritu ada nampak tau sebab ada kedai buat promotion, memang murah betul tengok harga mikubi pampers ni. Best ke eh pakai?

Sya setuju..Sy memg customer tetap dh nak masuk ank keempat pon masih percaya kt Brand ni..high recommended no leaking, no allergic skin rashes and economic...safe budget 👍🤗

Kalau untuk newborn sesuai beli berapa pack erk sebab dia 36 je kan satu tu

Tak rugi beli mikubi pampers ni. Anak saya suka sangat lepas try haritu saya belikan. Harga pon not bad mikubi pampers ni, takdelah terasa sangat duit banyak keluar hehe

Mikubi baby diapers ni bagus tau actually mommies! I once tried this at my baby and instantly tukar to Mikubi baby diapers sebab very affordable and serap banyak!

Hi. I saw a lot of mummies sharing their thought on this mikubi baby diapers previously on fb. Some said this mikubi baby diapers is really good and mony savings.

Many people give feedback that this mikubi diapers is good and save some money than other brands. I really curious how this mikubi diapers save us as parents.

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