My mom advised me not to give eggs and strawberries when my LO (10.5 months old) has cough, flu and phlegm. Is it true that I shouldn't give? Is it more like a Chinese belief? Cos I ask my baby's PD and she said can give.

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It's a TCM belief and there's some truth in it. Whenever my LO have cough, if I were to give her eggs, it will aggravate the cough. Too much eggs will induce cough too so I only allow one egg once weekly or bi-weekly if I gave her snacks that contains eggs. If she's already has runny nose, eggs will make her mucus watery and will take one week to recover. Generally when having cough, cold and phlegm, the only fruit that I will give is Shingo pear ideally (steamed 30mins or on it's own) or any brown pear.

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