Confinement period

My MIL wants to play mahjong every Monday still, during my confinement. I am very frustrated as I thought confinement cannot have any visitors over? What if the visitors want to come near the baby? She even wants the baby to sleep with her during the first month, I understand it will be quite overwhelming for me as a ftm and I need to catch up on rest. Any tips or advice? I'm very stressed. #pleasehelp #firsttimemom #advicepls #firstbaby #FTM #firstmom

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I would talk to her nicely to see if she can go out and play instead. If it’s her house, can’t really do anything if she don’t wanna accommodate. Visitors wise, I will just lock the door. I don’t really care if you wanna say I’m rude or think I made you lose face because my baby is fragile so I don’t give a damn about how you think as long as my baby is safe. Just remember, it’s her house but it’s YOUR baby. 😊

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Plus u won’t know mil friend exposed to so many other ppl. Bb may fall I’ll since very sensitive period

I think during this time you need to be very stern.

11mo trước baby important? then ask her to tahan a bit and have mahjong elsewhere first