Mother in law

MIL Wants to control everything, expect all housework to be done, expects me to be downstairs at 5 am and wait on her, vacuum and mop after she’s done and wants to control everything once my baby is born. This is my first child and I’m in my third trimester. Anyone has Any advises or stories to share? Feeling very, very angry every single day. Maybe I’m hormonal, I’m not sure. But I haven’t been able to enjoy my pregnancy lately. And I feel guilty because I’m happy, but I haven’t been feeling so good lately.

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It's a tough relationship to dealt with.. Up to your own character. Weather you want to open war and talk or absorb until explode. Communicated in harmony is key.. But looking at your mil, sound super demanding. Use all your ways you can to deal with her. Get your hubby to help you. If his not a mummy boy. He cherish u more, he will stand on ur side.

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