2 Các câu trả lời

For SSS, ang kailangan nyo po to qualify for Maternity benefit is "The member has paid at least three (3) months of contributions within the 12-month period immediately before the semester of her childbirth or miscarriage/emergency termination of pregnancy" https://www.sss.gov.ph/sss/appmanager/pages.jsp?page=maternity Pero better po if makahulog kayo ng upto 6 eligible months para mamaximize nyo yung makukuha nyong amount. Mag-login po kayo sa sss online account nyo and check if eligible kayo for benefits at magkano makukuha nyo based on your current contributions. Click nyo po Inquiry> Eligibility> Sickness/ Maternity ☺️ Then you need to submit a notification, ak sa mga tabs sa taas, iclick nyo Benefits> Submit Maternity Notification ☺️ Kapag nanganak na kayo at may copy na ng birth cert ni baby, then online lang din po ang pagclaim. For Philhealth , "To become eligible to PhilHealth benefits, members should have paid at least a total of nine (9) months premium contributions within the immediate twelve (12)- month period prior to the first day of confinement. The twelve (12)- month period is inclusive of the confinement month." https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.philhealth.gov.ph/circulars/2017/TS_circ2017-0021.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwicqbOsxtuDAxUCwjgGHcmJD4IQFnoECAoQBg&usg=AOvVaw29mbZLq_dx6rxYVfQti9Qx Magprint po kayo ng MDR and if employed, you need a CRF duly signed by your employer. Dalhin nyo po sa hospital kapag manganganak na kayo.

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