Bottle feeding
Hi mga mamshies!! Any tips po para gumamit ng bottle si lo? 1 year na kasi sya gusto ko na sana sya mix feed. Formula for the day tapos bf every night.

Read this po : there are many different 'tricks' you can try out to help your baby get used to a bottle. Ask someone else, like your partner or another caregiver, to offer the bottle. Your baby associates your breasts with you (and comfort) and may completely refuse to take a bottle from you for these reasons, at first. Try softening the teat with warm, boiled water. Hold your baby in a different position from your usual breastfeeding one. It may help your baby get used to the new way of feeding. Ask your bottle-feeding mum friends for their recommendations on bottle teats. You may go through a few, before finding one your baby likes best. If all fails, ask a lactation consultant or healthcare professional about using a nursing supplementer, as an alternative to bottles. This is a gadget which you use while your baby is at the breast. The supplementer delivers formula, through a tube attached at one end to the teat on a bottle, and at the other end, it’s taped to your nipple. The baby gets formula at the same time as breastfeeding.
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