Approaching 40 weeks
No one mentioned how lonely, anxious, fustrated it can be when approaching EDD and seeing other mums pop one by one but I still don't have labour symptoms. It really doesn't help when people keep checking in to see if you've delivered and my own husband keep asking me everyday if I'm feeling any labour symptoms. Other mums are already discussing about breastfeeding but I'm still so lonely in the wait.. I know I should be thankful that baby is still healthy and I've more time to myself but at this point, the wait is getting so depressing.. Wondering if any Sep mums are still baking at 39/40 weeks and feeling the same? :(

Hi mummies, I can understand, you are not alone. Just to share my experience, Monday I went for check up on 39weeks 6 days, no dilation was observed. I have mild contractions on and off. Hence, gynae advised me to induce when baby reaches 40 weeks. I did the nipple stimulation at home, the contractions did increased. I was hoping the cervix to be dilated, but it was not, sto after discussed with my husband, we decided to go ahead with the induce labour, I was induced and delivered yesterday at 40+1 day. Everything went well. Baby was out yesterday after 16 hours. Jia you all mummies! Best wishes to all of you.
Read moreAm at 40+1 today, going to induce at 40+3. Initially,I was also hoping for baby to come earlier,but life has its own plans, and I caught covid (first time somemore), at 39+4. I still have a faint positive line today, and hoping fervently that my husband doesn't catch covid as well, else he's gonna get quarantined when baby is out. So yups, I'm currently not hoping for baby to be out until both of us are confirmed negative haha. Bake jiu bake ba, don't start pooping in me can already haha.
Read moreGreat that mucus plug has come out! All the best!
I feel you!!!! I was so demoralized. My edd suppose to be 17 sept. On week 38, i was still not dilated so gynae gave me till week 40 to induce. I thought i had the time to try induce labor myself by walking alot, squats etc bt nothing worked till edd and was induced. I guess first baby mostly goes overdue. Anyways i end up having 2 failed induction, with having to endured 47 hours of labor and gabe up and did emergency csect and delivered yesterday.
Read moreMad respect mummy... am still waiting for a decision to be made at 39w6d appt. I hope my cervix is ready and am dilated enough to induce. Genetically, my husband and I were full term babies too. Congrats on finally being able to see baby!! ♥️ It makes it all worth it and I can't wait till I hold mine on my arms too~
i’m 39 weeks today and i’m feeling the exact same 😭 all my other pregnant friends due in Sept have given birth already and is already going through confinement and then there’s me. i’ve been 3cm dilated for a week plus now with no active labour signs.
Update i had mucus plug + bloody show at 39+5 after walking more but cervix still unfavourable for natural. Mightve to csect.. at least you're alr dilated! Good sign and can even induce for a natural birth.
I'm in my 39 week day 5.. still no contractions and no dilation. Gynea said she will wait till 40 week day 1 and asked me to get admitted to induce labor. fingers crossed 🤞
coming back to update. I was admitted to induce on 24 Sep around 2pm. (edd was 23 Sep). by then no dilation. after inserting the ribbon was dilated 1 cm. I was sent to A1 ward around 5pm. Gynea broke the water at 5am, then the dilation was 3 cm. after 2 hours dilation became 4 cm. at 1pm nurse came to check and told me I will be delivering soon. gynea arrived at 1.10pm then at 1.27pm our baby came out 😄🤞
Excited to become a mum