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Sweet And Spicy Pansit Canton :) all time favorite

Original flavor sa akin, at sweet and spicy favorite ng hubby ko

SWEET AND SPICY ang fav ko na flavor.. my sipa ng anghang at tamis..

Sweet and spicy And chili mansi All time breakfast with my daughter

Sweet spicy kalamansi . pancit Canton .my favorite and my family

Extra hot is da best, super fav, isa sa pinaglihiian ko hahaha

VIP Member

Kalamansi supremacy! #theAsianParent #ThisIsItPancit #LuckyMe

Chili-mansi Flavor on Top! Favorite meryenda all the time.

chilimansi My #1 favorite ☺️ #thisisitPANCIT #LUCKYME

spicy pansit canton 😋😋😋 #thisisitPANCIT #LUCKYME

sweet and spicy syempre..and calamansi..for the win...

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