Hi My LO who is 12 weeks old is always crying in the car seat during car rides. I have tried distracting with a hanging toy, playing additional white noise, playing soothing music, patting, pacifier but nothing seems to work. Recently I resorted to blowing at her face and she will stop momentarily. Otherwise she will cry non stop from west to east. Does your LO behave like that too and how do you all deal with it if so? My LO doesnt like milk bottles too..

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My boy also don't like it, even now, but he is getting better when the car starts moving. He's 15 months old. Just leave them inside, they will get better overtime. Maybe some carseats are pretty uncomfortable & hot. Your baby might be uncomfortable.

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ok to be honest kids like us too if ties up the feeling is stressful maybe while u strap ur baby up u can on the radio or even on a music that she likes another way is talk to them i am sure they will enjoy the trip.

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We bought a car seat mirror for baby so she could see her reflection as well as see me driving the car.

8y trước

Thanks a lot!