Solid food

My LO turning 6 months soon, May I check how many serving can I introduce to him per day?

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Start by offering just a few spoonfuls at a time. When your baby has gotten the hang of it and seems to want more, work up to about 3 to 4 tablespoons per feeding. Once your baby has been taking cereal reliably once a day for a week or two, try twice a day feedings. Once they’ve done that reliably for a week or two, then you can start pureed foods.

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Super Mom

Start off with 1 meal first. Observe his reactions and stop if he is resisting. You can continue again tomorrow. Start in the morning/afternoon is better as you can see if he has any allergic reactions. If you feed at night will be harder to see as you will be resting at that time. You can intro something new after 3 days.

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Thành viên VIP
Thành viên VIP

I started with some avocados during lunch time then moved to cereal for bf.

6y trước

That was my intention too. Wanted to get him started with avocado

Super Mom

At the beginning, just one serving per day..

Start off with 1 first

Thành viên VIP

To introduce solid food, start off with 1 meal first. It could be lunch or dinner. We also want to try the different ingredients slowly to see if baby is allegic to any food. You can try to give him the same lunch or dinner, (eg fish n spinach porridge) for 3 days and see if there is no reaction before introducing another new dish. After baby gets use to the idea of solid u can do 2 servings lunch/ breakfast/ dinner

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6y trước

Okie thank u! Will do 😃