5 Replies

VIP Member

Drinking from a bottle requires less effort than direct latching, so it could be nipple confusion or just that she prefers not having to use that extra effort :x If it's just something temporary, I'd suggest to try and offer it at fixed timings which you can actually keep up with - because you don't want her to end up rejecting bottles and only wanting to latch directly after the holidays is over.

VIP Member

Try to reduce the bottle feeding, or basically stop it. Bottled feeding is a faster route and 'lesser' work for them to extract the milk out then latch on. If you want to continue latching, stop the bottle feeding.

Bottle feeds are generally easier and less work for them. It may also be because she has grew out of it. It will happen in time to come.

Perhaps. She drinks more and fast from bottle. But if latch she will on and off or show the vomit gesture.

VIP Member

Sound like nipple confusion. perhaps reduce the number of bottle feeds to see if the condition improves.

How old is your LO? it seems like she is having nipple confusion.

6months plus. Im on 1 week school hols and decide to latch. But she choose bottle like how she use to when im away for work.

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