Purees: Apple Pear Carrot Prune Spinach+potato Sweet potato Mashed (can add some milk to make it more runny and easier to eat): Banana Avocado Others: Baby cereal Baby bites biscuits Porridge (blended initially, then by about 7-8 months can be a little chunkier, if baby can tolerate) Start off with a few spoonfuls of food once a day, then gradually increase the amount, and then gradually 2x/day and later on 3x/day. Let the solid feeds coincide with your own meal timing, so that baby learns to eat with the family:)
Hi, Celerac is rather sweet but if you don't mind its alright. I prefer to give my baby something plain. Beside cereal you can give porridge or puree. https://community.theasianparent.com/q/first-food-i-gave-babyi-started-when-5-month-oldi-started-with-1-sc/1682976?d=android&ct=q&share=true Hope it helps! I do share some recipe in my ig @MummyJLife if you're keen you can have a look 😊
Thanks! Shall take a look on the recipes.