My daughter can stand with support at around 7 months also but surprisingly, she only started walking without support around 14 months. Now she's 3yo and she goes Macritchie Treetop walk with us, completing about 80% of the walk on her foot (remaining 20% carried by the dad...haha!).
I don't think standing at a young age will affect their hip development. It just shows that they have strong legs and don't worry, when they are tired they will sit or lie down for sure. The real challenge now is how to make her fall asleep easily when she is put in the cot! Maybe you shouldn't put her in there too early. Else, you will just have to stick around till she falls asleep. And remember to lower your cot to the lowest level, now that she can stand up in the cot. It may also be worth considering letting her to sleep on a mattress on the floor. Safer that way...