5 Replies

Mine was hospitalised for neb every 4 hours, oxygen during sleep when 5.5 mths old due to cough, phlegm stuck and wheezing . Milk intake dropped to 300ml only plus puke milk out. Now 9.5mths neb plus saline drop to rinse nose due to mucus stuck in nose. Milk intake 550 to 650ml, 1.5 rice bowl porridge and white bread and water. Mayb u wan to check with pd if can neb coz its really help a lot to clear

She is 2 months plus doc say she suppose min drink 550ml and change 6 diapers a day but ytd she only changed 4 and dranks 480ml its worrying alr..

Super Mum

Mine also, 7weeks. Blocked nose. Feed slowly, paused if she fidgets. Let her breathe through mouth..

Jn i tried to feed her drink 80ml pacify her try to feed again.she cry murder le.idk what to do liao

VIP Member

Maybe she has difficulty drinking coz of block nose. Try feeding with syringe or spoon.

She is still ok with bottle but just drinking lesser..

VIP Member

How old is your lo?

I thinking is it my breastmilk never help her stronger..

Hey, Try feeding the baby slowly as because of blocked nose it might be difficult. Try after short durations

If i feed her in shorter duration eg.. she drinks 150ml i have to lessen the amt how much do i lessen?

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