My lo is joining childcare at 18 months old. She's 13 months now. Other than 2 solid meals per day plus fruit snacks in between, she still takes 210ml of milk every 3-4 hrs, even if she just ate solids. Her food portion is quite big (one bowl of rice with vegetables). Fruit snacks can be a bowl of fruits. Looking at the CC schedule, only gets to drink milk 2 times. Before nap at 12pm and after nap. I'm worried she'll go hungry in between because they will only have 1 breakfast, 1 lunch and 1 tea time. How do I adjust to make sure she'll be fine in CC?

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The difference in cc and home settings is, child get engaged in cc for different activities. Child won't be hungry so fast but do encourage your child to ask for food if she does. For me personally, I will adjust her eating amount and timing according to cc. Sometimes child wants to drink milk after meal time is due to satisfaction or habit but not hunger. By cutting or reducing that milk intake, it might make her transition smoother and easier.

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You need not worry, they will usually adjust very well. Kids do not behave the way they do at home. Also the center usuay ask the kids if they want a second serving. It would be helpful to inform the teacher of her good apetite.

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Thành viên VIP

Don't worry too much, she'll adapt to the schedule there on her own!

Thành viên VIP

For us our childcare accommodate the schedule I gave them for baby

8y trước

Wow, which childcare is this?
