Shudder attacks

Hi, my LO is having shuddering attacks. That was after she had epilepsy. She is now going to be 8mths old only. Seen 2 different doc and both say is normal. And have been increasing the med dose for epilepsy. But still no use. My LO still having shuddering attacks. She is still conscious during and after the attacks. Any doc recommendations? Or any advice??

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Hi, A common cause for these types of jittery movements is a normal stage of babies' development. In fact, most babies do show some sort of jittery movements, particularly when they're excited or want something. But still you can consult your doctor if you find it a cause of concern.

4y trước

Hi our baby same symptoms too. But we observe its normal and she will resume normal state thereafter.

Super Mom

It's best to consult Dr to seel whether medication is suitable. Might need to change or increase dosage if not helping with condition. Take care!