7 Replies

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VIP Member

I don't think you need to cut his nap, is there any reason why you want to do so? I think it's best to just let them sleep and eat on demand, no real need to adjust their schedules because they'll do so on their own :)

VIP Member

My LO slp 10+ once and 2+ once. So at night he will not so early cranky. If they are too active, they tend to get cranky at night. Of course depend wat time ur LO wake up.

your child is 13 months old. he needs his two naps perday. i don't get why you would want to cut his naps to once a day. sleep is when they grow.

VIP Member

If your LO would like to take nap twice per day, suggest you to follow your LO's que. Is there a special reason to shorten to one nap?

VIP Member

If he is able to take 2 nap a day, stick to it. Sleeping is good for their brain developement

I would follow LO's que.

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