5 Replies

My mil can just talk to her and pat her, sometimes don't even need to carry, and she will go back n sleep while if it's me she yell even louder. Very frustrating as I can only quieten her down with milk and my mil will say that she wants to sleep not always drink milk and that I don't know how to read her cues and talk to her to calm her down. 🙄

VIP Member

I feel you! My LO stops crying when my helper and mil carry her. It’s upsetting but at least she finds comfort somewhere else. So I kept telling myself it will pass soon!

I have the exact same problem and I also give ebm! Except it’s not the mil but the nanny. I also keep wondering why.

VIP Member

Perhaps you are just feeling tensed, relax...babies can sense this things...

this phase will be over as soon as you know it

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