What fm u use previously? U can try asking for sample to let ur LO try too, many companies offer a tin of 400g of fm for u to let ur LO try. If transiting from stage 1 to stage 2, try giving her pure stage 1 again and see if she take. Than mix stage 1 and 2 and see if she take. From there than u know where went wrong, it's a trial and error thing, as some baby prefer stage 1, hence transiting is a bit slow and difficult. Dun worry, u can feed stage 1 till later stage but u cannot feed stage 2 earlier if didn't hit 6 months. So if she prefer stage 1, than have to slowly transit over.
Have you tried other brands? I think you can consider other formula. At seven months old, she may not be getting enough nutrients from solids. However, if she is feeding well and getting a balance of nutrition from solids, you can consider switching her to having more regular meals.
You can request for free sample from different brands. Abbot (Similac): http://abbottfamily.vintedge.com/SimGainSample/ Dumex: http://www.dumex.com.sg/requestsample Nestle: https://www.nestlebaby.com.sg/sg/user/register Hope these help! :)
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Have you tried mixing the formula milk to your baby's solid food? A friend of mine mixes milk with the fruits purees as well as the rice cereal. Perhaps you can try this method before throwing out your current formula.
Priya Loshini