My LO is 6.5 months old, and up until 6 months, was fully breastfed before I introduced single solid foods. My problem is, how much milk should he continue to drink and how much solids should he take at this point? Right now he's drinking about 200ml of bmilk every 3 hours but doesn't seem very keen on solids. Is that too much?

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How ur feeding routine? Mine is, latch till wake up. After that, bath etc. and we will give him breakfast (tt is abt 1/2 hour -1hr after milk already.) Than milk again if he want to nap. After the nap. Lunch again. Than play again, than milk and nap again. After nap, dinner. Than repeated everything again. I slowly intro him, at 1st may start 2 meals more frequently than slowly Adapt to 3 meals. You have to try see what ur LO like. What type of texture have u intro?

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8y trước

Try BLW, letting baby self feed to see baby is interested in food or not. Let baby play with food to get their interest in it.

i prefer baby led weaning so at 6.5months your baby should be exploring solid food. not really taking solid food to replace milk intake. so the milk intake should be the same as before. solid food is depend on your baby but i believe he won't be eating much. more like trying to eat & learn how to eat. for normal spoon fed weaning would be different i guess...

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Milk is still their main source of food. so pls don't cut dw on their milk intake. some kids may take a longer time to liking solid food..

8y trước

I see, true true. The question is - if I'm always increasing their milk feeds, and feeding every 3 hours, LO never feels hungry and refuses solids, should I do anything about it?