My LO is 6 months old and am still breastfeeding. And just today, I spotted a bald spot about the size of a dollar coin on my hair. Anybody can advise if this is part of post partum hair loss? If so, is there anything I can do about it. Because it's really disturbing!

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Hi mommy, yeauppp sounds alot like the dreaded post partum bald spots. Happens to some and when it does happen, it can be quite overwhelming. A friend of mine suggested that continuing to take prenatal vitamins will help but I'm not too sure how it will affect your breastmilk. Another remedy that supposedly helps would be fish oil. However, these methods take time. For now, maybe you can go to your favourite hair stylist to think of a new hairstyle that will help hide the thinning hair.

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9y trước

Thanks mummy for your advice! The bald spot doesn't look like there's new hair growing. It's so worrying.

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