my LO is 3mths old using avent bottles. but still using 0+months teats. tried the level 2 but guess flow too fast. LO rejects and push away and didn't finish the milk. is it OK for LO to be still using newborn teats? worry might affect LO growth development in certain ways. pls advise. TIA.

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It's fine to be using newborn teats for your LO even he/she is 3 months old. I change the teats only when I see my LO is making lots of effort in sucking or when having long pauses in sucking. I don't usually follow the ages they put, that's just a guide. All babies are different, development might be at different timing. My friend's LO was using level 2 at 1 month plus. Most importantly is getting your LO to drink as much milk as possible. No point in following the ages written on the box of the teats, but your LO is rejecting milk or is uncomfortable and not finishing up milk.

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8y trước

thanks mummy

Hi Mommy, my baby is 5 months old and he just started using the no. 2 teats of Avent. When he was 3 months old I also tried to use the no. 2 teat but he choked! So don't worry too much if she is still using no. 1 teat. my sister-in-law's 9-month daughter is still using no. 1 teat. I guess it really depends on the baby. Try the no. 2 again once he reaches 5 or 6 months :)

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its perfectly fine. go with your baby's flow. mine is still using pigeon newborn nipple till now 3 months. they will choke if you start using a fast flow out of sudden. all the teats age recommendation is just a guideline. but each baby is different.

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I think it's fine. my girl currently 10 mths old is using level 2 teats but is tommee tippee brand. u see how your lo adapt to the teat. Dont think it will affect the growth. Cheers! :D

If u still latch on u might want to stick to 0 month teat. I've been using 0 month teat for my #1 boy, until 1yo. No issues in his growth (in my eyes of course), smart and healthy:)

It is okay not to follow use of teats based on age. If your baby can't keep up with the teat's fast flow, it's better to use slower flow teats. My son was like that before.

my lo is 3 months and is still using the no.1 teat. tried no.3 teat and seems like he cant handle it yet....hes drinking well with no.1 i just stick to it....

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my dau is 3month n still #1 teasts. No point forcing her to #2 teasts wen she doesnt like it at all. Therefore; i let her be comfortable is the most important

I had the same issue so ended up changing the bottle totally. Using Dr Brown level 2 teats and he is back to drinking as usual :)