Pregnancy/Mums’ pet peeve: is this a normal occurrence or am I being overly sensitive?

A little rant here… I feel so irritated by people who don’t ever check in or show concern during my pregnancy but when baby is out, suddenly super enthusiastic and want to come and touch my baby / carry my baby and take photos etc. Like where were you during my pregnancy when I needed support and care? 😳 And now you want to act like you are so close to me and my baby? Speaking of some of my friends and also my mother-in-law. Not sure if I’m being overly sensitive cause of my heightened emotions. Anyone feel the same? How do you deal? I can only quietly feel upset at heart but I don’t know how to reject when these people want to come over to see me and baby now that I have given birth.. I feel so petty like I’m bearing a grudge against them for not being there for me through my pregnancy. #FTM #firstbaby #Rant

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I didn't know how tough pregnancy was until I went thru it myself. I certainly bcm more understanding and able to empathise now. Then, after a miscarriage, I rem avoiding anything related to pregnancy so as not to feel the pain or be reminded of my unborn baby. I feel like many times it's bcs other ppl are struggling with life too. The incident taught me to lower my expectations on ppl (family, friends). After 2 years trying, I'm pregnant again now. week5. Sending love and hugs to you, mummy. You are not alone. ❤️

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