Would like to check anyone took Panbesy (Phentermine HCL) for slimming before and does it works and how long it takes or there is any side effect? Tia

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Don’t take Panbesy! The rebound is terrible. It works and I lost 12kg... but after that rebounded 20kg very fast. Now I found it hard to lose weight le 😫 It’s my biggest regret

i don't know about Panbesy before. But i took Duromine. It works but i get very angsty and thirsty easily. I stopped. So i changed my diet into LCHF It helped alot!

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7y trước

I also feel thirsty after taking... what's LCHF?

I did before. The side effect is terrible. The fast heartbeat makes me sick. And the rebound sucks!

Exercise helps! The main key to losing weight is our diet. Our diet plays the most crucial role.

I wouldn't take any of the slimming stuffs. Have you considered doing it naturally?

7y trước

Trying to be on diet meals

I did Rebound and once I stopped Put on more very quickly

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I did LCHF diet too. The proper term is Keto Diet