Do you let your 6 months going 7 months eat this puff? My husband brought it and my LO loves it. My LO have 2 tiny teeth not yet fully grown but my LO can chew abit. I wondering if it's bad LO?

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Many parents love this, but I personally didn't give to my son because of its sugar and ingredient content that I was just not comfortable with - nothing wrong with giving it though, I'm just the picky and strict kind when it comes to packaged foods for him (to give you context, there was only 3 types of packaged snacks I ever allowed him to have - he's 25 months old now). It's usually meant for 8-9 months old when they start crawling and meets the criteria (you can read the labels on the bottle, they have guidelines on when your child is ready to have it) stated on the bottle - but these melt easily so there's not much risk. However do note not to give too many in a day, usually there's a guideline on how many maximum a day written on the bottle as well!

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