Will you let a ex drug addict close to your LO? I am asking behalf for my friend. Her sil is one and she always wanting to be very close to her LO. Her sil will have a lot of open wound and not cover up and she touch her LO which make.my.friend angry. She don't feel comfortable, I told her is fine just don't think so much. But she feel uneasy so I told her I will.help to ask on this platform to see what is others opinions.

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Tough question.. On one hand is a health issue and another hand is paternal relationship. Maybe your friend can tell them as long they clear up their s***..Then contact can resume.

Thành viên VIP

Hmm. i won't too since you said there is open wounds. As there many be risk of infections and after all lo is still so young and small

Thành viên VIP

wounds might be risk of infection.. so i wont ..

better not. . .

No i won't.