
Last period saya 31/12/19. Then saya cek 17/1/20 UPT positive ada 2 line, 1 line samar2. Possible ke dpt detect seawal begini?

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Macam saye laaa . Saye last priod 20/11/19 . Pastu saye buat upt 10/12/19 . Dapat double line 🤩🤩🤩 . Skrg saye dah 9weeks 😊😊😊 . Tahniah sis . Jage baby elok2 . Jngan buat kerja berat2 . Jage pemakanan yee mommy 😚😚😚

Thành viên VIP

Sy da tolong kirekan awak bape week.. tpi serious laa.. da naik 2 line camtu.. baru 2 week kot.. anyway.. tahniah again..

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4y trước

Wah, tq sis... 😭😭

Mcm Saya tu sis tp Saya test smpi kli k3..yg k3 nmpk 2 line..bgs sis test lgi slpas smggu ..

4y trước

Ya..2 month sdh..

So saya sudah pegi jumpa dgn doktor.. Doktor ckp sy tak pregnant. Tetapi sy sedang ovulasi.

4y trước

Tq for update... syukur la klu da cek.. sy de bace post mcm ni jgak.. upt positif, opk pon positif at the same time. Sgt terang. End up pregnant luar rahim. Rase tak normal upt begitu terang sedngkan baru 2 week.

Sme la kite sis..last piot 27.11..pastu buat test 16 12..naik 2 line..alhmdulillh

4y trước


Ini positif pregnant tak?

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4y trước

+ve.. Tahniah

Thành viên VIP

Ya possible but best to check with doctor

Biasa kalau samar2 tu positif..

4y trước

OK tq sis

Ada apa2 simptom ke?

4y trước

klau sye perut cramp hampir 2 week..breast pun rasa cm bengkak susu

ada gmbr upt ?