10 weeks pregnant with no symptoms

Hi ladies, I am currently 10 weeks pregnant. Last scan was on 7th week and I saw the heart beat. After that the next scan is in 11th week but I am just worried because till date I haven’t got any morning sickness or nausea. I just get tired little bit sometimes where I feel like sleeping and I have tender breasts and I can see blue veins on my breasts as well. Is this normal? I keep looking in mirror everyday to see if there are any changes in me but can’t really tell if I am getting fat or is it the bump. So I constantly keep thinking if the baby is growing properly and worried if this is normal? Any advise from anybody who has been in similar shoes? #firstbaby

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I was pretty similar to you! I didn’t have much symptoms when I first conceived. I’m now in 26 weeks and I never had morning sickness. Probably had a few episodes of nausea but I was quite sure it was just me feeling hungry before lunch. Haha. Only around early second trim that I started seeing a little belly bump. But really small, almost not visible unless I have before and after pics to confirm. Just look fatter only. Lol. Breasts and areola also didn’t really grew bigger until mid second trim. Congrats and hope you continue to have a smooth pregnancy!

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3y trước

Thanks for assuring me that this is normal :) Thanks and congratulations to you too!

My current pregnancy got no much symptoms but started to feel tired more than usual, plus acne everywhere and of course eat a lot till bit 😱.. My bump is slightly obvious as this is my second pregnancy but when I was carrying my baby girl, nobody can tell I am preg until I’m 8 mths preg but i was very sick throughout.. All pregnancy are different, as long baby and yourself are healthy! 😊

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3y trước

Thanks for this!

hi there mummy! congrats on yr pregnancy!! my first pregnancy I didn't have any symptoms like you. I didn't even know I was preg back then until I was late into the 2nd trimester 🤣 currently preg with number 2 now and there's difference in this pregnancy 🥲 all the tiredness , nausea etc. it's pretty normal to have little to no symptoms at all , so no worries!! take care mummy!

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3y trước

Aww! Thanks mummy!

Hi mummy. I am in my second trimester and just like you I have had no symptoms in my first trimester. I still have no nauseous feeling just lower backache when I lie down for too long or sit for too long please don’t worry. Pregnancy is different for everyone so don’t worry just enjoy the journey. Sending you loads of love and hugs

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3y trước

Thanks for the love and hugs babe! I will try to not worry too much :)

Baby boy! Haha usually when you have less to no symptoms its a baby boy. But its okay me too i have not much symptoms but fatigue and feeling tired. And my bump only starts to show when im in the midst of 4-5 months pregnant. Also same here first baby hehe. Good luck on your pregnancy and birth :)

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3y trước

Thanks a lot babe! This is very reassuring

hi, don’t worry! that was the case for me too, i didn’t have any symptoms at all till almost halfway through my second trimester. now i’m in my week 22, and i still don’t have much symptoms, no craving or swelling or anything but my baby’s doing really well :) so don’t worry too much!

3y trước

Same here. 16 wk now 😄

Don’t worry! Some women have no symptoms throughout the whole pregnancy! No nauseous, no morning sickness etc. and they’re very lucky (: Baby bump will not show so early if you’re first time mom. If it does show, it’s usually just bloating.

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3y trước

Understood. Thanks a lot :)

I think is quite common for us to worry if the baby is growing as we wait for the next scan. As long as there is no bleeding the baby is growing. Try to rest more and stay positive till the next scan!

3y trước

Thanks a lot :)

Don’t worry, babe, I’m exactly the same. I’m actually feeling lucky that I’m dodging the morning sickness ‘bullet’! My best friend (twice pregnant before), is extremely jealous!

3y trước

Thanks for the assurance babe :)

yes it’s very normal. pls don’t worry too much. baby is usually growing well. don’t overanalyse every change. just have faith till the next scan.

3y trước

Thanks a lot for putting my mind at ease. I shall then wait for my next scan and wait for the best!