5 Replies

Hi ladies! I've had 2 doc visits. 1 to do ultrascan & other was at polyclinic to get referral. my blood tests was at private hosp. Was contemplating whether to do the Oscar at NUH but since appt only Jun, not sure if I shd wait till then or proceed to do at private. Trying to also to be as cost saving as possible at this time. :/

I waited for my first appointment at NUH for quite a while too but I was still in my early weeks at that time. If you’re worried, best to check with other hospitals if they have earlier appointments? Otherwise, go to a private clinic first. At least you’ll get your first ultrasound scan and find out your EDD too.

If u cant wait change to other hospital of possible..

Have you done your first trimester screening?

Hmmmm, then it seems like you have a check at around week 11-12 and the next one is at around week 20. Might be ok, cos next critical scan is at week 20, but that’s assuming NUH can schedule u for this scan timely. Under a private gynae, a check will also be scheduled at around week 16 - but I think this is not as critical as week 12 and 20 checks

Super Mum

Hi! So you’ve been to NUH once already?

Got it! Thanks! :D

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