To Ease Heartburn

Ladies if pregnant 20 week can drink Eno to Ease my heartburn..

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Hi mummy... I had gone thru that and its so uncomfortable. I've tried Gaviscon.. it works and safe for pregnant mummies.. just to be on a safe side why not go to a gp or ur ask ur gynae to prescribed you Gaviscon..

5y trước

My first son age 13 Dotter 11 Dotter 8 Dotter 7 Dotter 4 They all independent Dats why I can manage...

Hey, Better to avoid ENO, try Gavison. But if the heartburn persists please consult your gynae

I drink peppermint Tea it helps me alot

Thành viên VIP

My gynae prescribe gavison

Super Mom

Try to avoid eno

Better avoid..

5y trước

Any thing can do to ease DE heartburn

Influencer của TAP

Can take gaviscon, but if it's recurring, you will need to see your doctor