Hello, do you know if KKH will recommend us to buy the binder from their pharmacy?
Hello, do you know if KKH will recommend us to buy the binder? Thinking to get from pharmacy after discharge or should I get it prepared in advance.

In my case they did not mention anything about binder. Not sure if it's because I went thru normal delivery. I got my own binder to use. Also I schedule my own post natal massage. The massage really helps with water retention, bringing down the tummy size and breast engorgement.
they won't recommend you unless you go thru csect. thn yes, you need th binder asap else its painful to move.. if normal, ill just wait for the masseuse's. she will provide one. and also, i get another binder to change when th other one is washing.. all th best mummy!
Be prepared mummy! Get the abdominal binder. Nurses will asked if u already have one because hospitals are selling it at a high price. Can get it at shopee!
Kkh will help to measure and advise on size to purchase after giving birth. It will be the dale abdominal binder.
no they wouldn’t recommend outright. prepare yourself
But binding I thought postnatal massage will provide?
They will ask if you have brought yours..