Just a random musing, most people say having baby can save a failing relationship. I have never been able to understand this. Is it true, does that work?

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Having a baby does bring a lot of happiness and joy to the household! As parents we work towards a common goal - to nurture and bring our child up under the most loving environment possible. With it also comes a lot of other sacrifices. We start to sleep less, fuss more, have irregular meals, life gets more hectic; basically our lives get turned upside down. And as children brought up in different families with different values and beliefs, we will also have differences in the values of bringing up a kid. Having said so, all these leads to increased irritability and friction between the couple leading to an increase in little quarrels. It takes effort to reconcile the differences, and also a lot of communication is required on the parents' part to align their directions. All these conscious actions require a solid foundation in your relationship to work. Thus I do not think that having a baby would save a relationship. I think couples should work on their marriage first in case any innocent parties get implicated should they decide to split at the end.

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