Just to share my struggles .. I'm a SAHM ever since my baby Is born . He is now 8 months old . I quitted my job to be a SAHM cos I have no other help . Mil and mom not in good health . However , I really struggle being a SAHM.. Don't get me wrong , I really enjoy the bonding time with my baby , witnessing his milestones .. But I struggle becos my husband often work till quite late n I'm alone with baby most of the time till he comes home. I bring baby with me to run errands like grocery shopping etc. but I can't bring baby with me if I need to go to the salon, go for my dental appointment etc.. Not so convenient .. I've been postponing my dental appointment etc cos weekends my husband though not working but he is not a hands on father , doesn't really wanna help me with baby . I have nobody else to approach . Feel so alone . Any SAHM with same situation as me?

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Hey mama - join a WhatsApp Chat group with kiddos your age. Take turns with the other mamas to watch over each other's bub. :)