14 Các câu trả lời
Salam Sejahtera Dr. Saya baru start consume iberet 2 biji setiap hari atas nasihat doktor. Saya makan sekaligus at least 2 jam selepas makan pada waktu malam, sebelum tidur (kerana siang saya cepat lapar, susah nak gap masa). Ada ketika saya berdepan masalah acid reflux dan terjaga malam atau tidak selesa keesokannya kerana perut sebu. Dan ada masa, saya sendawa terasa seperti iron. Soalan saya; 1. ada tak cara nak elak masalah acid reflux ni? 2. berapa lama masa diambil untuk ubat tu diserap ke dalam badan? 3. macam mana saya nak tahu iron diserap dengan baik oleh badan saya? 4. perlu ka saya asingkan makan iberet (sebiji pagi dan malam contohnya) untuk elak masalah ni dan bagi ubat meresap dengan baik? Terima kasih Dr!
hi Dr. is barley tea recommended throughout pregnancy to control blood sugar? I've read conflicting infos about barley in early pregnancy as some say it might cause miscarriage. is this true or it's just a misinterpretation of some researches? if it can be consumed, at what gestation period is it recommended? what is your view on green juicing to maintain Hb level during pregnancy? is it more beneficial than taking pomegranate juice by itself or vice versa? can you explain the exact risk of GDM other than having big baby? thank you so much doctor 💐
Hi Dr Muniswaran. I am blood type O and my baby is blood type is B. I had anemia and GDM during pregnancy. After baby was born full term at 38w, he had prolonged jaundice and anemia requiring iron, folic acid and multivitamin supplement. What could have caused my baby to have anemia? Did my anemia during pregnancy caused my baby to have anemia, or his jaundice/ different blood type caused it? For my next pregnancy, how do I prevent anemia and GDM? Can I somehow prevent baby from having prolonged jaundice? Thank you doctor!
Thank you for asking such an important question related to prolonged jaundice. There are many reasons for anemia, namely Iron or B12 deficiency and sometimes even Thalassemia. Do we know the exact reason for your anemia? Having blood group O and baby being B does not actually increase the risk of your baby to have prolonged jaundice. If the jaundiced was prolonged but mild, not requiring intensive phototherapy, than I believe that is not a major concerns but if it is severe, than we are sometimes more concerned with infection, liver, thyroid disease and some metabolic causes. Having anemia and GDM per se also does not increase your risk of prolonged jaundice. My advice to you is that it is best to know the exact reason for your anemia, and to exclude heritable causes such as Thalassemia. It is also important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, have yearly checks for DM and screen for GDM early in your future pregnancy. Prolonged jaundice usually does not reoccur again in future pregnanci
hi doc...saya nak tnya...smlm saya pergi scan tapi nmpk kantung sahaja..baby xde..saya x pasti Sama ada tarikh saya bg btul atau Salah..kalau date saya bg btul 1/8 normal ke kalau scan cuma nmpk kantung shja?..kalau ikut d scan smlm usia kandungan baru 7 week 2 hari..
perlu ke saya berjumpa doc atau just tunggu appointment saya nnt pada 25 hribln
Hai Dr Muniswaran. Saya pembawa talasemia dan kandungan sekarang nak masuk 11 minggu. Soalan saya apakah makanan yang boleh menambahkan HB ketika hamil? Soalan ke 2 adakah pening kepala dan rasa berpusing salah 1 tanda HB kita rendah?
Hi dr, saya pregnant 3rd trim and hb low range 9 je. Now consume iberet 1 biji sehari tapi hb still naik 0.1 mcm tu je. Should i consume 2 biji iberet sehari to make sure my hb is ok before delivery? Any others tips/advice?
Selamat Pagi Dr Muniswaran, saya mau tanya disini macam mana nak atasi hb low?
salam sejahtera dr.muniswaran. saya ade pertanyaan tentang apa yang paling perlu di jaga untuk org yg sedang menghidap kuman gbs. ada tak faktor2 , or cara untuk pengurangan keaktifan kuman tersebut dengan cara yg efektif?
Dear Puan Fatunajihah Muhamad, terima kasih kerana bertanya tentang GBS, kuman yang paling ketara untuk pecah air ketuban, bersalin awal dan jangkitan kuman kepada bayi yang baru lahir. GBS bole dikesan melalui dua cara, iaitu test air kencing (GBS in the urine) sewaktu awal mengandung dan screen untuk GBS melalui low vaginal swab pada minggu 35-36, iaitu beberapa minggu sebelum bersalin. Cara untuk kurangkan implikasi GBS adalah melalui screening seperti diatas, merawat GBS didalam ait kencing dengan antibiotiks selama seminggu manakala GBS pada vaginal dinasihatkan untuk mendapat antibiotics sewaktu bersalin, sekurang kurangnya 4 jam sebelum air ketuban dipecahkan ataupun kelahiran baby. Dua cara ini adalah cara yang paling berkesan.
Hye Dr, Sy prgnant for 2nd trimester. mmg hari2 Sy mkn iberet. tp bacaan HB hanya 9.9 to 10 only. what should I do? any extra supplement or food should I take? PLS advise. TQ
oren ,lai or pear , kdg sy minum ribena.. avocado . sayur2 pon sy suka makan. sy kuat mkan ikan . boleh search mknan dlm asianparent..
saya HB low bru2 cek 10.6 -10.3 only risau doktor ada apa2 mknn yg bole disarankan utk naikkan hb? sy sllu mkn kurma mnum ssu buahan daging sayur tp msih low
Hi dr. I just tested positive. But currently my BMI is obese and I'm worried bout GDM. Is there any advice to avoid GDM or can i losing some weight to avoid GDM.
Congratulations on your pregnancy and thank you for asking about GDM. It only happens at the later half of your pregnancy (24 weeks) and is mainly related to your placental hormones. In view if your BMI, my advice is to check your Hba1c atleast to ensure you do not have an undiagnosed DM. If that is normal, leading a healthy lifestyle, exercise such as swimming, walking and cycling are recommended ways for a healthy pregnancy. Loosing weight or dieting on the other hand is not recommended as this may not be optimal for any pregnancy.Than, at 24 weeks, you should have a OGTT test to screen for GDM.
muniswaran ganeshan