46 Các câu trả lời

Can a child with Learning Disabilities still excel in life? Are there cases of it na?

Hi Mommy. Absolutely, a child with learning challenges can still do very well in life. Many successful people faced similar challenges during their school years. With the right help, understanding, and using their strengths, they can do great in school, find good jobs, and make a positive impact on the world. Every child has their own path, and with the right support, they can achieve all they dream of. Just like Albert Einstein, Richard Branson, and Whoopi Goldberg, who all had learning challenges but became incredibly successful.

What are the best schools for kids with special needs? Thanks!

Hi Mommy. Good schools for kids with special needs are the Philippine Institute for the Deaf, Philippine School for the Blind, Autism Society Philippines - The Spectrum Academy, and Resources for the Blind. These schools provide specialized support for children facing different learning challenges. It's important to visit these schools to see if they're a good fit for your child.

Ano po magandang educational learning material for infant po.

Hi Mommy. You might want to try our courses. You can join our trial classes by registering here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/17vPbWDB1d3sNkMzoqXYgc2gMNgcicaI_pAOkLdTFmpU/edit

How early can you start detecting Learning Disabilities?

Hi Mommy. Learning disabilities can often be detected as early as preschool age, around 3 to 5 years old, when a child struggles with language development, reading, writing, or basic math skills.

What are the earliest signs of Learning Disabilities?

Hi Mommy. You might want to try our courses. You can join our trial classes by registering here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/17vPbWDB1d3sNkMzoqXYgc2gMNgcicaI_pAOkLdTFmpU/edit

How can I teach my child to read the colors..??

Is learning disability a mental illness?

What are the symptoms of a learning disability?

Hi Mommy. The signs of a learning disability include struggling with reading, writing, math, or understanding information. Difficulty following instructions, organizing tasks, and paying attention in school are common indicators.

Is a learning disability a type of autism?

Hi Mommy. You might want to try our courses. You can join our trial classes by registering here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/17vPbWDB1d3sNkMzoqXYgc2gMNgcicaI_pAOkLdTFmpU/edit

What are examples of learning disability?

Hi Mommy. Examples of learning disabilities include dyslexia (difficulty reading), dyscalculia (trouble with math), dysgraphia (challenges in writing), ADHD (attention and hyperactivity issues), and auditory processing disorder (difficulty processing sounds).'

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