Baby only nap max 30 minutes
Ive read alot of mummies saying their babies usually nap 1-2 hours. Which i really envy! Cause theres alot that can be done during that 1 hour or even short nap for mummy 😣 But is it normal for baby to only nap max 30/40minutes most days? LO is 2-3m

Hi mummy! Yes it is, don’t worry. My boy also same when he’s around that age. As they grow, their sleep patterns will mature. But every baby will have their own timeline. I used to be extremely exhausted, but now that my boy is slightly older, I find myself wishing time will slow down instead. So hang in there mummy and savour all those moments with your LO as they grow 🥰
Read moremy baby naps 30 mins too and now at 9 months sometimes naps an hour! but she doesn't seem overtired so i don't sweat on this and not force this. but i think it'll increase as baby griws cuz only now she starts napping for an hour at least after cutting down one nap.
yes it's normal, it should increase over time
every baby is different it's normal
It’s a stage and it will pass