4 Replies

I've heard Sunshine Dental in Woodlands is pretty good and popular with parents in the north. Dr Gina Hau is one of the dentists there and she is known to be patient and great wutb kids. Here's a list of other dentists that are known to be great with kids. http://sg.theasianparent.com/best-dentists-for-children-in-singapore/

Although nothing is wrong with his teeth, it's good to bring him for a check up. Starting early is always better than not starting at all. Bring him to a child friendly dentist so that he won't be afraid to go dentist again in future.

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Amk Polyclinic there got a dental under government. They merely just counted and check the teeth. So don't need go too expensive one. If got Chas card, go to those under Chas card, 1 year can see 2 times for free.

U can apply for kids. My kid 1 year and going 3 years both have. When my son just born not long, i update the details on the form and send in. Than they will send you the cards.

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