2 Replies

My style is just do, don’t talk. You’re the mum, you get to decide when you want your baby back and no one has the rights to stop you. I don’t need to explain why I want baby back nor do I need anyone to hog my baby. If baby wants comfort from mummy, she WILL get comfort from mummy. For your husband, just tell him back the same thing. Give the mum (you) a chance to comfort and bond with her baby. It’s not like you don’t let your mil play with baby, just that there should be a limit and bottom line. Let the mum handle her crying baby, let the mum be the first to comfort her own baby (if she’s present at that time).

I will say something to my baby when she cries and someone else is carrying her like “come come, aiyo what happened baby, is it you want mummy, is it you want to sleep, come let mummy help you”

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