Unreasonable KKH!

I’ve been diagnosed with a 10cm ovary cyst at 29 weeks of pregnancy! Like now you detect the cyst? After all the scans done monthly!? I’m just very worried how is that possible and they even give me a later date for the trans abdominal scan to check on the cyst! When I asked them you want me to wait so long? All she could tell me is it’s fully booked... should I consider checking with SGH? Or can I even do that? I feel kkh is really not taking it seriously..

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Yes please switch to SGH or NUH. Had bad experience at KKH before and heard horror stories there too! They don’t really take care of patients as well as SGH does

3y trước

Yes i heard that as well. Sgh i havent been there i just try nuh since my friend recomment me NUH.