Is it normal for 2 years old still thumbsucking? I'm afraid it affect my kid teeth development. :(

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It is common for children to be sucking on their thumbs as it is comforting and calming to them. It is unlikely that this will damage the alignment of their teeth or jaws, at least not till their permanent teeth start emerging (which is around five or six). Pay attention to how your child is sucking his/her thumb. If your child simply rests his/her thumb passively in the mouth, there is a lower chance that it will lead to dental problems as compared to those who suck aggressively/vigorously. Most children will stop this behavior on their own by kindergarten. However, if you wish to help your child break the habit, here’s a great article with suggestions on what you can do: Providing a distraction such as engaging your child with something before he/she places his/her thumb into the mouth is quite effective.

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It's definitely a normal occurrence for a two-year-old to be thumb sucking. In fact, babies are sucking their thumbs as early as life in the womb. The problem with thumb sucking is that it is difficult to wean your child off of the habit. Be cautious of this! It won't stunt their development or anything of that nature. Though, it's highly recommended that you break their habit by age four at the latest. It can be very bad for their teeth and gums!

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