Is it important to feel a connection with your unborn baby?

Everyone is different and it is perfectly normal if you have not felt the connection with your unborn child. Right now, he/she may still seem like a stranger residing in you. It is common for mothers to feel that connection at different points from during pregnancy to after the baby is born. If you are concerned and want to try and build that connection, this article offers some great tips you can consider: Please remember that it is normal not have that connection right now and maintain a positive mindset. Last thing you want is to feel guilty or beat yourself up for something that is perfectly common. Take care!
Read moreIt depends on individual. Some mummies may feel not connected as still unable to touch/hold the baby in their hands. For me, I would like to connect with my baby before he/she is born. What I do to connect with baby: every night I will place my hands over my tummy to feel the movements/kicks, whenever I notice baby is kicking I will gently tap back to let him know I am here, I have decided a name to call him to connect with him. I managed to get a 4D ultrasound scans for this pregnancy and I can see how does he looks like. The picture is very precious to me and I paste it in my bedroom and I look at it few times before bedtime.
Read moreWell I definitely didn't feel the connection going on between us. I knew I was responsible for the little life inside of me and everytime I saw her through the ultrasound I was just very amazed. I must say the connection came only after she was born. Even throughout my confinement and into the second month she was just a cute little being to me. It was until probably past her 2nd month when she started interacting and responding to us that really sparked the connection and from there it just grows everyday. I hope I'm not alone!
Read moreEveryone experiences pregnancy differently but I believe that mothers have an intrinsic connection with their unborn baby whether they realise it or not. Studies have shown that babies in the womb think and feel more than we used to know. If we look at it that way, connection to your unborn baby is important to a child's mental and emotional development. Just my two cents :)
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