Induced and in pain

In the hospital right now. I was 39 weeks 6 days and had contraction, went to hospital but doctor check and i still haven dilated yesterday. Choose to induce as baby movement getting lesser and wouldn’t want to keep him in for another week in my tummy. Get induce at 3pm, contraction starts again from 8pm and it gets worse. Told nurse i need pain relief at 2plus, doctor check and still haven dilated. Get injection but it doesn’t work. Now waiting for 3pm for doctor to see and will insert new one for another 6hours. Any advice or sharing any experience?

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Have doctor break your waterbag? Induce will be very painful and the pain relief that you took only last for 6 hours is the jab on thigh, am I right? If pain is unbearable you can choose to take epidural or gas. Your dilation is taking pretty slow and if this continue to take more than expected, anything can happened to baby and you may end up in emergency c section. This is based on friend's experience. I was induced for first child and spend about 16/17 hours in labour. I took jab, gas and ended with epidural and vaginal assisted delivery (vacuum). But, when I was induced, I am already 3cm dilated and dilation took very long even after doctor break the waterbag. Do choose your option wisely and seek advice with doctor as they check you.

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I was induced at 10pm and next day at 11am only 3cm dilated. And remained 3cm dilated till night. Baby started to be in distress and Dr recommended for c section as my progression was slow. To me, as long as baby is safe I don’t mind doing whatever it takes to get her out safely. If your gynae recommends an emergency c sect too, you should prolly consider. Maybe you can start thinking about it in in case the extra 6 hours you do not dilate as much as they would like you to.

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