Need sex! But husb wont give it to me.

Im a week 37 mummy and i havent had sex for almost a month cos my husband is too scared to put it in esp after he saw how bad my contractions get!! Ive tried talking to him that i want it especially before childbirth but he insists on staying away. Is there any way that i can convince him or avenue that i can let out my need?

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Tell him it helps with labour. Or the easiest way is bring him to check ups with you, ask gynae to tell him (our 101 reasons is useless compared to gynae’s one word😂).

7mo trước

Hahah usually there will be enough time for you to do your stuffs first (eg eat/shower) before the actual labour hits (but of course not those contractions that are intense and comes every minute kind). 😂

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